Who Needs FRA

Nearly all non-domestic premises in Scotland along with those Houses in Multiple Occupation which require a licence are required by law to carry out and maintain a Fire Risk Assessment

FRA Process

The process of obtaining a fire risk assessment (FRA) involves a site visit by one of our qualified assessors to your premises to conduct an audit of buildings, equipment and procedures and creating a fire risk assessment report 

FRSN firemen imageFRSN be safe from fire !! imageAbout Us

Having worked for Strathclyde Fire Service for over 30 years, Martin Miller on leaving the organisation set up FRSN in 2012

Martin used his wealth of knowledge of the industry and years of experience in the field to create a company that is fast becoming a leading force in the area of fire risk assessment

Fire Risk Assessment Steps:

  • Identify people at risk
  • Identify fire hazards
  • Evaluate the risk
  • Decide if existing fire safety measures are adequate
  • Record fire risk assessment information
  • Review the fire risk assessment report

FRSN fire fighting image